

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Back to southern Spain

I left Madrid at 11:30 a.m. to return to southern Spain for three more days. I am in Granada, which is located almost directly south of Madrid, not too far from the Mediterranean Sea. Granada is home to 300,000 people and it is also the location of Spain's most visited place: The Alhambra palace. I'll be visiting this palace Saturday and will write more about it then.

It was a five-hour bus ride from Madrid this morning, and I arrived at my hotel around 5:45 p.m. I'm staying in a hotel located on the Plaza Nueva. It's about a 15 minute walk from here to the Alhambra. I'm going to walk up to the Alhambra in the morning to see it from the outside before visiting Saturday. I'm also planning to visit Granada's Capilla Real tomorrow. The Catholic Monarchs Isabel and Fernando are buried here, as Granada was their prize city after they defeated the Moors in 1492. Isabel and Fernando even had the chapel built but it wasn't finished until 1521.

I walked around Granada for about two hours this evening but plan to see a lot more of it tomorrow after visiting the Capilla Real. I found a grocery store while I was out walking today and picked up some water, as well as bananas and some food for breakfast for the next couple of days. I'll be staying here through Monday morning. I'm still finalizing my plans for Monday and Tuesday but hope to have everything figured out soon. I'll likely be arriving in Barcelona next Tuesday night, the final stop on my journey throughout Spain.

I'll upload some pictures of Granada tomorrow, as well as some more information about the city and my visits to various places.

Hasta manana!

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