

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Sunday in Leon

Today turned out to be a rather relaxing day in Leon. Besides restaurants and pharmacies, all of the stores in this city of 135,000 are closed on Sundays. One of the vendors I met yesterday commented that they, too, need a day of rest during the week. It's been fun just to watch the people today. This evening, for example, the plaza, which is where Leon's 13th Century cathedral rests, was full of people just sitting on the benches and watching the passers-by. There was not an open bench throughout the entire plaza. Across from the plaza, on the pedestrian avenue that leads our hotel, people of all ages were walking up and down the street. The pedestrian avenue is also home to a myriad of restaurants with outside seating. Every outside table was occupied as we walked up and down the avenue tonight. People were dressed up, eating tapas (appetizers), chatting and also watching the passers-by. It was quite the sight and speaks volumes about the culture in this city on a Sunday evening.
Sra. Bills decided to stay in Leon today as well to rest up before continuing her journey west to Santiago de Compostela. After breakfast this morning, we explored the city on foot and walked to the bus station so that I could find my way there on foot tomorrow instead of taking a taxi or bus. We discovered a nice park on the way that was located along a river. Parents were there playing with their children on the toys, and many older adults were walking up and down the sidewalk lost in conversation. We eventually found the station, and I walked inside, only to discover that even the ticket booths were closed on Sundays. Afterward, we walked some more before returning to the hostel for awhile and then heading out to dinner at an Indian restaurant called Taj Mahal. It has been nice to have someone to chat with the past two days, as we've shared plenty of travel stories while we have been exploring Leon. I still cannot believe that we bumped into each other by accident. Si, el mundo es un panuelo.
Tomorrow, however, we'll go our own ways (until meeting back up in Barcelona) as I head north to Oviedo to visit my student from HHS, Lucy. I spoke with her on the phone today and set up a spot to meet tomorrow afternoon once her classes end. I'll get the chance to meet her Spanish host family tomorrow night. On Tuesday, I'm planning to attend classes with her for the day to get a better idea about how the IU Honors Program in Foreign Language operates. I'm looking forward to both days! We have only spoken in Spanish each time we've communicated to set up this visit, as the program's rules are very strict: No English whatsoever while abroad. I am so impressed with Lucy's Spanish after our two brief conversations and how much her language skills have grown since she arrived in early June.
Leon has been one of my favorite stops. From the impressive architecture to the warm feel of the city and the people I've met here, it's been a wonderful stay. The hostel in which we're staying has by far been the best since I arrived last week. The owners are so kind and have gone out of their way to make us feel at home. The rooms are spotless. In fact, this place feels more like a hotel than a hostel. If you are ever in Leon, Spain, you must stay at Hostal San Martin. It's located in a central location, and everything is within walking distance of here.
I'm hoping to update everyone from Oviedo tomorrow night after I visit Lucy's host family.
Buenas noches!


  1. Señor Peeper: After reading Andy's letter from Algeciras today I feel like I need to send you a note of thanks. I am positive that a large part of the reason he is adapting to the language so quickly (especially the spoken aspect) is that he had such an excellent HS Spanish teacher. Muchas gracias for all you do and the influence that you have had and will have on so many young people! I can't wait to hear more of your adventures in Spain!

  2. Thanks so much ... that means a lot! I so enjoyed having him in class for 3 years!!! I received an e-mail from him today, as we are still trying to figure out if we can get together for dinner. I hope we're able to work something out! I am going to do a little more planning tomorrow and write him back, as he said he woudl be checking e-mail again Monday. I am so glad he is here in Spain! Thanks again for the kind note. I really appreciate it!
